Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday at the Getty Part II

More of me here at the Getty.  I think this was the family room.

Check out my pottery.  Pretty good for a monkey aye!

Sunday at the Getty

I am pooped!  Today I visited the Getty Villa in Malibu.  The humans were surprised at how busy the museum was in comparison to prior visits. 

Here I am at the new entrance. Check out the fountain, I think they are long lost family members. What do you think "Who Do You Think You Are"? NBC, call me.

This is the nice man who welcomed us to the Getty and told us not to walk on the grass.  I dig on his hat.  Easy on the legs mate, I use those to climb with and you are smashing my jewels.  Got any trees I can hang on?

Here I am at the Inner Peristyle.  See those humans in the background... they are all related.  How do I know this?  They all got out of the same car, they all look the same.  Isn't that how it works?

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Laker game on Thursday evening.
Look out hotties, here I come! I hope they don't ask me for an ID. My human friend, Chris, was carded just to use the toilet.

Welcome to my blog

Hello out there!

Welcome to my blog.  This is my first post. I look forward to taking you to all the places I visit and introduce you to all the humans I meet.

The 411 on me...  I hang with some pretty cool humans.  I believe they are refered to as "Geeks" and suspect that has something to do with their love of gadgets and technology.  I often find myself at Best Buy, the Apple store and camera shops. 

My main human takes me to all kinds of places, local and some not so local.  We have some upcoming trips which should be way cool, so check my postings on a regular basis to see where I have been and meet new people.